Ask these 5 Questions to Your Personal Injury Lawyer Before Hiring Them

If you have been hurt through no fault of your own, you must hire a lawyer to get the necessary justice and fair compensation. When you are hiring a personal injury lawyer, there is no ‘one size fits all’ kind of attorney, and your choice can actually make the difference in the outcome of your case. To make sure that you take the right decision, it is important to ask the right questions during your initial consultation. 

In this article, we will explore five critical questions you should ask your potential personal injury lawyer before hiring them.

Question 1: What is Your Experience with Cases Similar to Mine?

Experience plays a vital role in a personal injury case. You will want to hire a lawyer who has a proven track record of handling cases similar to yours. Ask them about their experience, the types of cases they have handled, and their success rate. An experienced lawyer will easily lead you through the legal intricacies involved in your case and increase the chances of a favorable judgment.

Question 2: How Will You Communicate with Me Throughout the Process?

Effective communication is the key to any legal matter. You want a lawyer who will keep you informed and updated through the entire process. Inquire about their style of communication, how frequently they are likely to provide updates, and the most favorable means of communication. The best lawyer is one who is very open, reachable at any time, and ready to handle any matter that is a concern or a question to you.

Question 3: What is Your Fee Structure, and What Costs Should I Expect?

Many of these personal injury cases result in other costs: court costs, witness fees, and incidental costs, to name a few. A person must know the fee structure and costs involved during the onset. Inquire from your attorney about the contingency fee percentage (if any), add-on charges or costs you may have to pay, and how they approach expenses throughout a case.

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Question 4: How Long Do You Anticipate the Case Will Take?

While it is impossible to predict with total certainty, an experienced personal injury attorney can offer you an estimate regarding the potential amount of time your case could consume. This will help you plan accordingly and temper your expectations. Inquire, additionally, about what things could potentially delay or speed up the process, like negotiations or a trail.

Question 5: What Is Your Strategy for My Case?

Each personal injury case is unique, and your attorney should have a strategy tailored to maximize your chances of success. Ask about their approach to your case, the strengths and weaknesses they foresee, and their plan for building a strong case on your behalf. A well-thought-out strategy will demonstrate commitment and preparedness for your case.


Hiring the right personal injury attorney can make a difference in your case. By asking these five important questions for your consultation, you will gain good insight into the experience, approach, fee schedule, expected timeline, and overall strategy. Remember, it’s an important decision for your future. Take the time to find an attorney with whom you feel comfortable and believe that they will fight for your rights and fair compensation tirelessly.