How to Know When It’s Time to Leave Your Part-Time Job

Knowing when it’s time to leave your part-time job can be overwhelming, as you want the job to continue benefiting you and your employer. Nevertheless, there comes a time when you may need to make the decision to move on. Before leaving, consider whether or not you have gained useful experience from this role that is helping you work towards achieving your career goals. It can also help to consult with people who have gone through similar experiences or an employment specialist for advice about timing and what would be the best step for you next.

Part-Time Jobs

Searching for a new part-time job can be daunting and exhausting, so it’s important to know when the right time is to leave your current position. One of the best ways to start is by searching for production jobs that might fit your skill set near you. Searching with keywords like ‘find production jobs near me’ will give you an insight into what kind of part-time positions are available in your local area. From there, you can determine if any of those positions would be a good fit for you – or whether it’s time for you to move on completely from your current job. When making this important decision, consider the following six points. 

A New Job

If you have been offered a new job that pays more or offers more career advancement opportunities than your current position, it may be time for you to move on. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of taking a new job carefully; will it result in fewer hours, less pay, or other benefits? Take all of these factors into consideration before accepting a new position. 

Illness or Family Issues

Sometimes personal issues can arise that make continuing in a part-time job difficult or impossible. A long-term illness or family emergency can put extra strain on employees who are already juggling multiple jobs and responsibilities. If continuing in your current role causes too much stress or makes it difficult for you to take care of yourself and/or your family, then it may be time to consider leaving the role. 

A Bad Boss

While most bosses are reasonable and well-intentioned, sometimes they can be difficult to work with. Bullying supervisors, those who make unreasonable demands, or those who fail to provide adequate support can create a toxic and demoralizing environment for employees. If you find yourself in this situation, it may be best for you to start looking for another place of employment where you will feel valued and respected. 

Difficult Work Environment

In some cases, the work environment itself can drive people away from their part-time jobs. This could include hazardous working conditions, lack of resources, inadequate training, or even bullying from co-workers. If any of these apply in your case, then quitting may be the best option for both your mental well-being and professional growth. 

Schedules and Hours

For many part-time workers, having consistent hours is essential for maintaining a healthy work/life balance as well as being able to complete other tasks such as schoolwork or family obligations. If your boss has been changing your schedule frequently without providing advance notice, then this could also be an indication that it’s time for you to look elsewhere for employment with more consistent hours. 

Going Back To School

Sometimes leaving one’s part-time job is necessary in order to pursue further education opportunities, such as college courses or certifications that require full commitment from the student in order to succeed academically. In these cases quitting is not only encouraged but often necessary if one wishes to make progress towards their goals within a given amount of time – whether those goals involve completing a degree program or mastering a particular skillset related to their profession. 

Final Thoughts

Ultimately only you can decide if now is the right time for you personally leave your current position – but hopefully, by considering these six points carefully, you will be better informed when making this life-changing decision.