There are various forms of online marketing you should be aware of that can potentially help your business. For instance, you might look into display ads. They can make people aware of your company, as well as the products you make or services you offer.
There are display advertising agencies that you can hire to create this kind of content for you. Before you do, though, let’s run through some of the dos and don’ts of display ad marketing.

What Are Display Ads?
If you are unfamiliar with this term, a display ad is a variety of online advertising that has become popular in the modern era. Such an ad will use visual elements like pictures to market a service, product, or company.
Display ads might also feature text. Some will also feature a call to action that you want a potential customer or client to pay attention to.
Feature Original Images in Your Display Ads
Regardless of whether you choose to create your own display ads or have a marketing company create them for you, you will certainly want to feature original, professional-quality visuals in them. You can get stock images either free or for pennies, but they usually look inferior and generic.
If your display ads are going to feature images of your products or people enjoying them, hire a professional photographer and do a photoshoot. Do not settle for stock images. They will look cheap and probably won’t incentivize anyone to buy your products or utilize your services.
Write Compelling Copy for Display Ads
The copy you write for your display ads matters a great deal as well. You don’t want huge blocks of text as part of display ads. Less is more, and you need to ensure the message your ad sends is directly on target with the concept you are trying to convey.
Hire a professional copywriter to create the original copy for your display ads. You can either hire someone full-time or find a freelancer on a site like Upwork or Fiverr if that’s more in your budget.
Don’t Target the Wrong Audience
You should also create display ads that target the audience that you feel is most likely to buy what you’re selling or use the services you offer. If you’re selling toys, you’re probably targeting children. If you’re selling high fashion, you might target adults with disposable income.
You can conduct focus groups to determine who wants your products and services the most. That will give you a vital clue as to what kind of content you should create for your display ads.
Don’t Feature Anything Too Provocative or Potentially Offensive
You might want to get a little edgy with your marketing, but there are some lines you shouldn’t cross. If you’re thinking about getting too provocative, don’t go so far as to make your copy or images offensive. Be sure to consider anything you make available for public consumption very carefully, or else you might find yourself issuing a formal apology.