College alumni meetups can often be difficult to organize. As time wears on, associations with your alma mater can fade away, and getting busy people together can be quite a challenge. Not for BITS Pilani, though.
Every year, BITS graduates from its campuses in Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad and Dubai meet up at their workplaces on 5th August, fondly called BITSIAN Day. It doesn’t sound like much, but when you consider that there are over 34,000 graduates from the college that was founded all the way back in 1964, it ends up being quite a spectacle.
The meetup location list is truly international.
On BITSian day, alumni working in companies get together for a lunch and reminisce about old times. It is typically followed by a group picture, and they look something like this.

Those separated by the tyrannies of distance meet in other ways.
And those who’re retired find non-office spaces to meet up.

Damn. Can’t help but wish that our college had a meetup day like that.