Unconventional Ways to Promote Your Online Business

In today’s digital age, promoting an online business goes beyond traditional marketing strategies like SEO, social media ads, or email campaigns. With an increasingly crowded online space, standing out requires creativity and thinking outside the box. Here are some unconventional yet highly effective ways to promote your online business and capture your audience’s attention.

1. Leverage Micro-Influencers in Niche Markets

While partnering with major influencers can be costly, micro-influencers—those with smaller but highly engaged audiences—are often more effective for niche businesses. These influencers tend to have a closer relationship with their followers and are trusted for their authenticity.

How to leverage micro-influencers:

  • Identify Influencers in Your Niche: Use platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube to find influencers who are passionate about your industry, whether it’s sustainable fashion, organic beauty, or specialized tech products.
  • Create Authentic Partnerships: Instead of simply paying for shoutouts, collaborate with influencers in creative ways. Send them free products or offer unique experiences they can share with their followers. Ensure that the partnership feels genuine and aligns with their personal brand to maximize engagement.

2. Host a Virtual Event or Challenge

Virtual events and challenges have become increasingly popular as more businesses shift online. Hosting an interactive experience around your product or service can attract attention and foster a sense of community.

Types of virtual events and challenges:

  • Webinars and Masterclasses: Offer free educational sessions on topics that align with your business. For example, if you run an online fitness brand, host live workout classes or nutritional advice sessions.
  • Challenges: A time-bound challenge (like a 7-day fitness challenge or 30-day mindfulness program) can engage your audience and create user-generated content as participants share their progress on social media.
  • Virtual Conferences or Networking Events: Host a conference related to your industry, inviting experts to speak. This not only provides value but also positions your brand as a thought leader in your niche.

3. Create a Branded Augmented Reality (AR) Experience

Augmented reality is no longer limited to gaming—it’s becoming a powerful tool for online businesses to engage customers. Branded AR experiences can enhance user interaction with your products and create shareable content.

Examples of AR applications:

  • Virtual Try-Ons: If you run an e-commerce business, allow users to try on products virtually, like clothes, accessories, or makeup, using AR filters. For instance, beauty brands like Sephora have AR tools that let users “test” makeup shades.
  • Interactive Packaging: Create scannable AR experiences on your product packaging. For example, scanning a QR code on your product could launch a fun AR game or an informational 3D model, enhancing the unboxing experience.
  • Social Media Filters: Develop a unique AR filter or lens that users can share on platforms like Instagram or Snapchat. This can lead to viral exposure if your filter resonates with users.

4. Guerilla Marketing in the Digital Space

Guerilla marketing is all about unconventional, often surprising, tactics that grab attention in unexpected ways. Though traditionally used for physical spaces, it can be creatively applied online as well.

Ideas for digital guerilla marketing:

  • Flash Mobs or Interactive Live Streams: Organize a flash mob-style event online, such as a spontaneous virtual concert or a surprise giveaway on social media. Livestreams on Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook can generate buzz and instant engagement.
  • Meme Marketing: Harness the power of internet culture by creating and sharing memes that subtly promote your brand. A well-executed meme can go viral quickly, spreading your message far and wide without overtly advertising.
  • Online “Street Art”: Commission digital artists to create custom, shareable artwork that reflects your brand. You could sponsor artwork on popular social media accounts or websites, or even collaborate with artists to create unique digital graffiti that can be “tagged” in different online spaces.

5. Leverage Unusual Affiliate Partnerships

Affiliate marketing is a common strategy, but thinking outside the box when it comes to partnerships can lead to creative results. Look beyond the usual suspects and seek out unexpected partners.

Creative affiliate partnerships:

  • Non-Competing Businesses: Collaborate with businesses that aren’t direct competitors but share a similar audience. For example, if you sell eco-friendly home products, partner with a sustainable food brand to offer joint promotions.
  • Podcasters and Bloggers in Unique Niches: While most people target big influencers, explore partnerships with niche podcasters and bloggers who have a tight-knit community. These content creators often have dedicated listeners or readers and can drive traffic through personal recommendations.

6. Harness the Power of User-Generated Content (UGC)

Encouraging your customers to create content about your brand is a cost-effective and authentic way to promote your business. UGC builds trust because potential customers see real people using and enjoying your products or services.

How to encourage UGC:

  • Create Branded Hashtags: Launch a social media campaign with a catchy, branded hashtag and ask your customers to post photos or videos featuring your product. Incentivize participation with the promise of a feature on your page or entry into a contest.
  • Customer Stories and Testimonials: Collect user stories and showcase them on your website or social media. These could be in the form of written testimonials, videos, or even customer interviews.
  • Product Customization: Offer customers ways to customize your products or packaging and encourage them to share their creations online. For example, a t-shirt company could allow customers to design their shirts and share their unique designs.

7. Gamify the Customer Experience

Gamification taps into people’s natural desire for competition, rewards, and achievement. Incorporating game elements into your marketing strategy can increase customer engagement, retention, and loyalty.

Ways to gamify your business:

  • Reward Programs with a Twist: Create a loyalty program that feels like a game, where customers can earn points, badges, or rewards for making purchases, sharing content, or leaving reviews. Some platforms like Glory Casino Bangladesh offer joining bonuses to incentivize new users to join. Leaderboards and tiers can add a competitive edge, making the experience more immersive.
  • Quizzes and Interactive Content: Develop fun, interactive quizzes related to your product or industry. For instance, a skincare brand could create a “What’s Your Skin Type?” quiz that not only engages users but also recommends personalized products based on the answers.
  • Challenges and Competitions: Host online competitions that encourage users to engage with your product. For example, a fitness brand could launch a workout challenge where participants track their progress through your app or website and share updates on social media.

8. Offer a “Pay-What-You-Want” or Free Service for a Limited Time

Offering something for free or allowing customers to choose their price for a product or service can create buzz, drive traffic, and increase your brand’s visibility. This tactic works particularly well for digital products like e-books, online courses, or software.

How it works:

  • Free Product for a Cause: Tie your free offering to a cause or event, such as providing a free version of your product during a specific month in exchange for donations to a charity or non-profit.
  • Limited-Time Pay-What-You-Want Model: For a limited time, allow customers to pay what they want for a product. This unconventional pricing model generates curiosity and can lead to significant word-of-mouth promotion.

9. Collaborate with Unlikely Influencers

Step out of the norm by collaborating with influencers or creators in unexpected fields. For example, a fashion brand might partner with tech reviewers or chefs—people who don’t typically promote fashion but bring a fresh, unique audience.


Promoting your online business in unconventional ways can set you apart from the competition and spark interest in unique, memorable ways. Whether you leverage micro-influencers, gamify the customer experience, or engage in guerilla marketing tactics, these creative strategies can help you reach new audiences and generate lasting buzz. The key is to think differently and align your approach with your brand’s values and audience interests, ensuring an authentic and meaningful connection with your customers.