How to Advance Your Teaching Career in New York

You’ve started out in your teaching career, but where do you want it to finish? There are so many different routes you can take in teaching, and they’re all exceptionally rewarding. However, if you want to take your career to the next level, then it does require some planning. 

For every teacher based in New York, and beyond, that is considering how to progress your teaching career, then consider these five points, that will help you to take your next steps.


Learn from More Experienced Teachers

Most schools around the world have a wealth of experienced teachers who can help pass on vital knowledge. However, if you want to be the best in the city, then you’re going to keep improving and pushing your career on to the next level, then you’ll want to learn from those who have successfully done it themselves. Currently, New York isn’t classed as one of the best states to learn in, but this is something you could actively change. By taking the opportunities available to you, you can start to make New York a city in which offers the best experience to its students. 

You never know what you might learn, so be open and eager to discuss your profession with your colleagues. 

The more you can build strong relationships with your work colleagues, the more enjoyable work will be, but you’ll also have more opportunities to learn.

Study for a Further Degree

In teaching, as in life, you never stop learning, and you always have the opportunity to take your studies a step further. 

A popular route, if you are based in New York, is to go into a more administrative role through an SDL Certification NYC. This prepares teachers to go into school district leadership positions, where they can make real changes to the education system in their area. You can start to improve the state of New York for the better, build on a foundation that offers success, and hire teachers that want to learn and offer the best for their students, just like you do.   

The nice thing about these degrees is that you can do them at any point in your career, so it’s always an option.

Volunteer for Everything

Take any chance you can get to do something different. Every experience is an opportunity to learn something new and take your career to the next level, so make the most of them.

If it forces you to step outside of your comfort zone, then even better!

The important thing is that you challenge yourself, and you can do this by volunteering for everything and anything that comes up. This could be cleaning up the NYC parks like Silver Lake Park, becoming a mentor, or helping sort food and distribute it around the Mount Vernon community, for example. 

Make the Most of Every Day

If you’re going to give your career the push it needs, then you’ve got to look to make the most of every day. No matter what job you do, it’s not easy to come in every day and give the same 100% effort, but if you want to advance your teaching career on that bit quicker, then you’ve got to push yourself. 

The difficult days can be the ones where you learn the most, so always try and give your best and get as much as possible out of each day

Don’t be Afraid of Responsibility 

As you progress your career, you’re naturally going to be taking on more responsibility. You’ve got to be ready for this added responsibility and embrace it, otherwise you’re going to find it hard to keep moving forward with your career. 

Some responsibilities might seem scary at first, but once you get used to them, they become second nature. Embrace responsibility and you will find your career advances much quicker.