Employee Mental Health: 6 Tools for Building a Mental Health-Focused Workplace

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As an employer, you want your team to succeed. 

But while many employers set their employees up for success on the job, they may not understand what it takes to give their employees success in the realm of their mental health.

If you are looking for ways to increase employee mental health, we can help.

We’ll take a look at six powerful tools you can implement right now to ensure that your employees thrive — both in and out of the workplace.

1. Provide Both “Sick Days” and “Personal Days”

These days, many companies are getting away from the old-fashioned concept of “sick days,” opting instead for “personal days” or PTO — both of which offer next-level flexibility

Whether an employee …

  • Needs to care for a sick child
  • Has a dental appointment
  • Wants to take a long weekend; or
  • Simply needs a mental health day

… “personal days” empower them to decide how they want to use their days off — guilt-free. 

2. Offer Flexible Hours

Every employee has their “sweet spot” of productivity. 

They might do their best work in the wee hours of the morning, or maybe they hit their stride in the middle of the afternoon or after the sun goes down.

Allowing employees to choose their hours, within a framework that works for your company, will ensure that they are as productive as possible while they’re at work. 

And research reveals that not only does allowing your employees to set their own hours not affect the quality of work, it actually improves their quality of sleep along with their overall mental health.

3. Change the Narrative Around Mental Health

It’s well past the time to tear down the stigma surrounding mental health.

The truth is, everyone struggles with mental health at some point in their lives, and normalizing that fact will go a long way toward creating healthier employees. 

Employee mental health programs, like BetterHelp, are becoming more readily available — and widely accepted.

4. Actively Work to Avoid Stress and Burnout

One of the best ways to win the fight against workplace stress and employee burnout is through mindfulness practices, such as meditation. 

Setting aside just 10 minutes a day to meditate can:

  • Control stress
  • Clear the mind of negative thoughts
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Promote relaxation; and
  • Improve cardiovascular health

5. Show You Care About More Than Their Work Output

Humans thrive on caring relationships, and one of the best ways to build relationships is through empathy. 

By taking the time to show your employees that their lives outside of work matter to you, you’ll go a long way towards:

  • Increasing their job satisfaction
  • Enhancing job performance
  • Retaining your current employees; and
  • Optimizing overall employee health

6. Empower Your Team

Do your employees know exactly what is expected of them? Do they know what to do when conflict arises or when they have a work-related question?

If the answer is “no,“ then it’s time to implement training that empowers your employees with the knowledge and tools they need to independently handle the workplace issues that are sure to arise.