Five Ways Freelancers Are Awesome At Being Their Own Boss

Freelancing is on the rise. People are beginning to learn that they can sell their skills for no-one but themselves and take control of their own work life. It has its difficulties, of course. Being a successful freelancer in a world full of them means you have to compete for your work. But that’s only one part of it. Below, we’ve compiled some of the ways that self-employed workers are able to make the most of their situation. From marketing to organisation, what does it take to make freelancing all the more efficient, easy and lucrative?

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Setting up the home office

Besides skilled tradesmen, most self-employed people provide some sort of digital service. Web design. Graphic design. Content creation. A lot of this work is done from the safety of one’s’ home. But doing work from home can be more difficult than it seems. Distractions and comforts make for an environment that can be difficult to work in. That’s why so many freelancers set up a home office. If they have a space where they can concentrate and work, it makes for a lot less life-work cross-interference.





After setting up a home office, the best thing to do is take the extra step in organising it. To learn how to make your workplace more efficient, it can be a good idea to look at some corporate examples. Get rid of everything irrelevant in your office so it doesn’t clutter your space. Make sure everything has a home so you can easily reach it whenever you need it.





For beginning freelancers, finding work sometimes takes as much time as actually doing the work itself. Until you build up lists of contacts and return clients, you’ll be fighting to win the attention of those who could use your services. Self-promotion is key. Build a portfolio and testimonials early. Make use of free Facebook marketing and build a personal brand. For as much time as you spend sending emails that only one person will read, but public and loud about services you offer.





Use this on top of promoting oneself through social media, portfolios and testimonials. A consistently updated blog is a valuable tool for establishing yourself online. If you can create an informative blog for consumers and workers in your industry, you can set your place as an expert. This kind of personal brand is useful in all levels of work, from self-employed to working for an organisation. Blogging also provides a community. One that is hungry to share and provide content, giving you plenty of space for connections and cross-promotion.



Setting up a network

As we mentioned with blogging, setting up a network has vast potential to do your career good. Networking with people in your industry can help you piggyback off one another for clients and learn from one another. Networking with potential clients will mean they’re more likely to consider you beyond one job. Be proactive in getting in contact with people, even if they don’t use your services. Having the right connections could be the key to plenty of work down the line.