Remote Work Projections Are On The Rise

6 in 10 Americans surveyed do not want to work from home full-time, yet remote work is increasing in popularity, with remote work projections on the rise.

Since the pandemic began, an opportunity has arisen for businesses to save expenses on office space and move to a completely remote working model. There is no doubt that remote work offers many benefits, but are there any downsides to a fully remote workforce?

Read on to discover why remote work projections are on the rise and the benefits and disadvantages of an entirely remote workforce.

Why Are Remote Work Projections On The Rise?

Before the pandemic, Americans spent 5% of their hours working from home. Now, following the pandemic, this number has risen to 60%. People are working longer hours but report higher levels of satisfaction and productivity.

Here we will look at some of the main advantages causing companies to shift towards remote work models and why employees seem to enjoy remote working.


Commuting isn’t included in employee work hours yet can take away hours of their free time each day. This results in less time for employees to wind down once they have arrived home, eaten, and performed household responsibilities. Leisure time is essential and can be conducive to improved morale at work. 

Employees can reduce their carbon footprint and save on petrol and public transport that they would usually pay to travel to work each day. Saving money and saving time allows employees to get the most out of their job without sacrifice.

With no commute comes the opportunity for employees to move wherever they like. 


Some employees may be more prone to distraction while working from home, but remote work can improve productivity for the most part. Studies on remote working and productivity have shown that innovation increased by 63%, work engagement increased by 75%, and organizational commitment by 68% when employees started working from home.

Online coupon website, DealA, states that their workforce is now 100% remote, and they have seen an increase in productivity as a result:

“When employees are in the office, they may be distracted by talking to coworkers. Working from home can provide a quieter and more suitable work environment, increasing employees’ comfort level. Introverts are more productive when working from home, and there is a generally increased focus on work due to the absence of office politics.”

Healthier Employees

Flexible remote working allows your employees more autonomy with their schedule. If their focus wanes after working throughout the morning, they may benefit from a longer break in the middle of the day for a jog or gym session. This is preferable to employees slogging on and forcing themselves to work when they don’t feel like it, as they will not be as productive.

Without a commute and with more free time and autonomy, your employees can devote more time to taking care of their physical health by exercising and cooking healthier meals. Physical health has a significant impact on mental health and thus a person’s ability to focus on work. Happier, healthier employees mean a more focused and productive workforce!

Less Focus On Appearance

Your employees will be able to wear what they are most comfortable in, whether their workout gear, a t-shirt, sweatpants, or a flowing dress. They won’t waste as much time getting ready in the morning and will wear whatever they like.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Remote Working?

The majority of workers would like to work remotely but do not wish to work remotely full-time. This can be due to a need for socialization, a lack of resources at home, or a need to escape from family life during the week. 

In addition to this, some employees ultimately find they are less distracted in the office by TV, household chores, and other activities. Hybrid work models combine both remote and in-office working, allowing employees to choose their preferred work method while also downsizing their office space.


Remote work can revolutionize the workforce, increase employee satisfaction, and boost productivity. A rigid in-office schedule does not suit most employees’ needs, and commutes can eat away at their time and make it difficult to manage their home life. Companies can benefit from introducing a remote work model and creating happier, healthier, and better-focused employees.