The Indian Govt. Just Made It Easier For You To Work For Them

In a first of its kind, the Government of India has invited applications from various categories of professionals to carry out contractual services. The applications have been invited online on the government’s citizen interface website

The government proposes to create a data bank of professionals in different areas at various seniority levels and specializations. This would be used periodically to engage citizen experts in various domains for contractual services in different positions across ministries, departments, organizations, institutions, and specialized entities.

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Applications are invited for editorial writers, researchers, software developers, data scientists, graphic designers, video editors, digital content script writers, advertising professionals, senior management and academic experts, social media experts and app developers. Opportunities exist for freshers as well as those with varying levels of experience and also retired academicians and experts.

The desired qualifications for each position can be seen by clicking on the link for the respective positions. Resumes can be uploaded in PDF format and would be scrutinised by MyGov. Those shortlisted would be contacted for further discussion and interview. The compensation package will be discussed in the direct interactions.

The initiative is expected to elicit a massive response from the people for participating directly with the government at various levels. There is no last date indicated for submitting the applications.