Housing Cofounder Advitiya Sharma Resigns

Nine months after the Housing board had fired CEO Rahul Yadav under dramatic circumstances, cofounder Advitiya Sharma has announced that he’s quitting the company. During Yadav’s tenure, Sharma was seen has the public face of the company, making numerous appearances on television as he talked about the prospects of Housing.

Rahul Yadav Has Words Of Support For TinyOwl Cofounders

Rahul Yadav, the erstwhile CEO of Housing.com, has come out in support of the beleaguered TinyOwl cofounders. The cofounding team of TinyOwl has been under fire over its recent layoffs, and one cofounder was held hostage in its Pune office for over 2 days by irate employees. However, Rahul Yadav, who’s no stranger to controversy himself, had words of encouragement for the TinyOwl team.

After Announcing Layoffs, Housing Acquires HomeBuy360 For $2 Million

Barely a week after reports emerged that Housing.com would be firing 600 of its 2600 employees as a part of a restructuring, the company today announced that it has acquired Bangalore-based customer relationship management software company HomeBuy360. This is Housing’s 3rd acquisition this year, after having previously acquired real esate forum IREF and Realty BI, a data analytics company in the real esatate sector.