A Commercial Pilot Reveals All About His Life In And Outside The Cockpit
In our uncorporate jobs series, we speak with Raghuvamshi Surikuchi, a first officer with Indigo airlines and get the lowdown on the facinating and inspiring life of a pilot.
In our uncorporate jobs series, we speak with Raghuvamshi Surikuchi, a first officer with Indigo airlines and get the lowdown on the facinating and inspiring life of a pilot.
Wimbledon is one of the four Grand Slam Touraments and arguably the most popular of all tennis tournaments in the world. While other sporting events of this scale and repute have turned into lucrative vehicles of advertising, brand endorsements and associations, Wimbledon chooses to be selective and minimalistic.
Your first paycheque is always special. After years of spending your parents’ money, there comes that one day in your adult life you see the magic words “Your Salary Has Been Credited” for the first time in your mobile phone. Irrespective of the amount or the company, that moment is always special. We asked a few people, and compiled a list of the best things you can do with your first paycheque.
US corporations, many of them global giants, did not shy away from showing their support and pride about the paradigm decision. They showed their rainbow in many ways, including social media profile photo chnages, product renames, social media messages and user-generated content.
Grey halls, dreary cubicle mazes and reams of paper. These are the images that spring to mind when one thinks of jobs.
But there’s a lucky breed of people who, on the face of it, seem to have the best jobs ever. Here’s a list of these jobs that’s designed to make your Monday morning worse than it already was.
Today these people have the fame, the power and the money and what looks like dream jobs to many. But not all of them were born into a privileged background or had were assigned their careers at birth. While some stars are born, others shine through with their hard work, determination and a belief in themselves.
We bring you some of the most famous faces of India, and a revelation into jobs they’ve held before making it big in their current careers. These stars will reaffirm that it is neither your background nor age that defines your destiny.
You use these products everyday, but have you wondered which companies make them? Check your business quotient here!
While we wait and hope for India to join in this beautiful office perk, here are some photos of dogs at various companies that will probably make you hate yours.
A long commute to work doesn’t always have to mean staring out on the road aimelessly, or cracking your knucles in mock frustration. Commutes if planned and done right, could make a world of difference to your daily schedule and actually come in quite handy for productivity. Here’s an Infographic that illustrates how best to use your daily commute to work!