In A Heartfelt Twitter Post, LoyalOye Founder Rubbishes Shutdown Reports

Last night, a prominent media house had reported that local services provider LocalOye was on the verge of shutting down. Today morning, LocalOye founder Aditya Rao posted a heartfelt 15-tweet tweetstorm talking about the report and the problems at his company. In an unusually honest and brutal assessment of his company, Rao admits that while Localoye is “wasn’t in the best of situations”, it will live to fight another day.

Uber’s Cat And Mouse Game With Bangalore Authorities Continues; More Bikes Seized

Uber’s cat and mouse game with the Bangalore Traffic authorities just refuses to end. One thought that Uber had one-upped the competition by branding itself as a ridesharing service in order to let its bike taxis run, but it turns out that Bangalore’s traffic cops have other plans – in a fresh round of activity, the Bangalore police has seized at least 15 bikes belonging to Uber.