Uber’s Cat And Mouse Game With Bangalore Authorities Continues; More Bikes Seized

Uber’s cat and mouse game with the Bangalore Traffic authorities just refuses to end. One thought that Uber had one-upped the competition by branding itself as a ridesharing service in order to let its bike taxis run, but it turns out that Bangalore’s traffic cops have other plans – in a fresh round of activity, the Bangalore police has seized at least 15 bikes belonging to Uber.

Tesla Model 3 Opens Bookings In India

Tesla’s latest electric car, the Model 3, has had a worldwide launch amidst much excitement – it has received $3.5 billion worth of pre-orders for a car that no one’s seen and will only start to roll out in 2018. But what makes this car unique it is it was open for reservations at a handful of countries outside the US, and that included India.