20 Things You Must Do On Your First Day At Work

First days at work can sometimes decide the rest of your tenure in a company. I still look at my first day at Google fondly, fresh out of college and first time in a corporate environment.

However, there are some things I wish I did or didn’t do, that would’ve helped the rest of my journey at google.

I’ve changed several jobs since then and here’s what I have learnt about making the most out of your first day or even the first week at work.

How To Be Productive During Your Daily Commute

A long commute to work doesn’t always have to mean staring out on the road aimelessly, or cracking your knucles in mock frustration. Commutes if planned and done right, could make a world of difference to your daily schedule and actually come in quite handy for productivity. Here’s an Infographic that illustrates how best to use your daily commute to work!