Rahul Yadav Is Hiring “Elite Gamers” For His New Startup

If you thought all those hours playing CS or DOTA in college were a waste, think again. They might just land you a role at Rahul Yadav’s new startup.

Yadav, whose new venture is thought be to associated in the data analytics space, has announced a codename for his latest effort: “Intelligent Interfaces (ii)”. According to his facebook update, the new company will combine Artificial Intelligence, Design and Maths to create next-gen Interfaces.

17 Upcoming Indian Startups Solving The Most Unusual Problems

There are startups these days that take care of roti, kapda and makaan needs.
But India Inc is also home to startups that fulfil needs that you didn’t even realize you had. These startups are quirky, zany, and are solving some very unusual problems. We trawled the length and the breadth of the Indian startup ecosystem to find out the most outlandish ideas that are being worked on.

Oyo Rooms Unveils New Logo

It’s the season of logo changes. After Google surprised industry watchers and consumers alike with its sleek new logo, and Verizon unveiled theirs after their acquisition of AOL, it’s time for a firm closer home to come up with a new brand identity. Oyo Rooms, the 3 year old budget booking app, has come up with a new logo.