Indian Startups Are Having A Field Day With Delhi’s OddEven Rule

While the unique initiative off OddEVen vehicles on Delhi roads has met with mixed reactions on the ground, and has become a butt of a gamut of social media jokes and commentary, operationally this has helped many urban commute startups and carpooling initiatives. In the midst of the OddEven Hoopla, Indian startups have found a way to leverage this buzz for some interesting marketing initiatives. Couple with some sense of humour, and a quick action, Zomato and Freecharge have both put an OddEven spin on their social media.

15 Pet Focussed Startups You Need To Know About

Fortunately the startups wave has struck the animal lovers who’ve turned entrepreneurs to help your pets in every way. From booking their spas to buying the best of pet accessories, these startups are creating a whole new industry which hitherto was confined to the neighbourhood pet shop. Though petcare in India is nascent and not as mature as in western countries, the Indian petcare industry is growing at about 26% a year, fuelled by a significant increase in spending by Indians on pets in the last few years
We reached out to all the pet startups in India and got a lowdown from all of them on what they do, for you to bookmark.

Uber Is Offering Chopper Rides This Christmas

While most brands offer attractive discounts, bring out special advertising, and roll out numerous other activities to engage with their potential customers, Uber has taken the Christmas game a notch “higher”.

Uber, in partnership with Droom, an online marketplace for automobiles, has entered into another strategic alliance with Uber for the festive period to bring on-demand chopper rides to Indian consumers.

Some Of The Most Interesting Outdoor Advertising Hacks Done By Indian Startups

While advertising through billboards, hoardings and usually any offline methods is considerably more expensive ( read: up to a million bucks for a months’ spot on a prime location billboard) than online advertising, flush with VC funding, most of the hot startups wouldn’t mind shelling out the dough to stand out from the clutter. And just as well. It makes perfect sense to not only capture the ready online audience, but also onboard and engage a potentially huge and captive offline audience on your platform.