This Is How 11 Companies Celebrated Diwali In The Office

As one of the biggest and most auspicious festivals in India, Diwali has a huge significance as far as workplace celebrations go. Most companies decorate the office and distribute sweets and gifts to the employees. Some even go as far as conducting ethinic day, Diwali-themed activities, a feast, the works.

Here’s a roundup of the diwali festivities at some of the Indian companies, each unique and interesting in their own way, on the last working day before Diwali.

The Smartphone Dictates Our Days – And Nights!

It’s a given that smartphones have become an indispensable part of our routine. But do they need to govern our lives? Deloitte Global Mobile Consumer Surve3y, 2015 conducted a global survey of over 2,000 indian respondents spread across 30 countries. A huge 86% of those surveyed owned smartphones, which is a 12% increase over 2013.

Sensitivity and Empathy Required During Layoffs

With startups like Localbanya, TinyOwl, Zomato, Helpchat letting go off employees, employees across the startup sector, where people were rushing towards until recently, are spooked. Indian startups require thousands of engineers and skilled workers, and now compete with large MNCs for talent, hence there is a huge demand and supply gap, which leads to salary hikes.