The Best Career Paths for 2020 And Beyond

Whether you are deciding which college subject to pick or considering retraining as a professional through trade school programs to enter a new sphere of employment, there are only a handful of career paths that guarantee employment at the end of your studies. The 21st century has been defined by increased freedom within the job market, which has rendered life-long careers a thing of the past. Your career is thus an increasingly dynamic and flexible element of your life. With perhaps three or four careers with overlapping skill requirements on your life-long horizon, it’s worth considering some of the more promising careers that’ll be rewarding and well-paid in the future. 


Solar and Wind Energy Specialists 

Governments are now collaborating with this industry to invest in alternative methods of powering modern society. Because this field has progressed at such a fast rate, specialists in renewable energy are required to start working urgently to install systems that cleverly utilize solar and wind energy. With the increased introduction of renewable energy to replace harmful fossil fuels in our society, this is a career that will make you an extremely strong candidate for many environment-focused jobs. 

An added benefit of working as a renewable energy specialist is that you know you are helping society combat global warming, giving you an extremely noble reason to get up for work in the morning. It goes without saying that the current workforce prioritizes how their chosen career can positively impact the rest of society, so if you are interested in by impacting the global community by working within the environmental sector, this is an extremely strong option for you. 


Data science is hailed to be the future for businesses. Currently businesses are reliant on data to improve their marketing and digital campaigns – but there are simply not enough data analysts or data scientists to fill the available roles. As data becomes a more central part of how businesses operate, the demand for statisticians will continue to soar. When you are thinking of studying to become a statistician, it’s worth spending time deciding whether you would rather be a data analyst vs data scientist, as this choice will change the nature of your role within the workplace. A career within the field of data has proven to be increasingly lucrative, and as you progress up the chain of statisticians as your repertoire grows, there is an almost unlimited scope for career progression and unprecedented opportunities due to the rapidly evolving digital milieu.  

Web Developer

This has been a highly regarded and lucrative career path for the past decade, and the demand for developers, coders and designers continues to soar. Studying to become a web developer is a perfect career for someone who needs flexibility in the workplace. Web developers can work all over the world and there are thousands of freelance opportunities available to individuals working within this field. 

For a career that opens a lot of doors, anything in the technology field is likely to increase in demand over the next few years. When deciding whether you would like to become a web developer, it is encouraged that you spend a bit of time exploring the field and getting to grips with the skills needed. An ability to code is at the core of this work, however there are many more elements to being a successful web developer. Here are some tips for becoming a professional web developer: 

  • Have a goal to work towards.
  • Learn to code proficiently.
  • Research the questions you have in regards to this career.
  • Utilize knowledge available on the internet.
  • Showcase your work online.

This is a very competitive field to enter, but the rewards for hard work and dedication to your role will be worth the effort – and they’ll be something you can tap into throughout different careers.


Any career in the medical field is guaranteed to be extremely employable, being one of the only consistent employers in society. If job security is one of the main requirements of your new career, this is a perfect field for you. To choose to train as an orthodontist will allow you to work in both the public sector and the private one. This is because there is a high demand for both structural dental work for medical reasons and for cosmetic ones. 

There is a global boom within the dental industry, and this continues to grow as new methods of treatment are created, fine-tuned and distributed across modern society. An orthodontist has the power to change lives, from relieving pain and discomfort to improving patients’ self-esteem. It is a varied and challenging role that requires dedication and patience when helping individuals of all ages with braces and other dental structure-based treatments. 


Businesses are frequently complaining about the lack of ‘dynamic and disruptive thinkers on the job market – the sort of people who will take their business by the scruff of the neck and inject some new ideas and vitality into the business processes that sustain it. To be such a person you’re going to need outside-the-box thinking and creative imagination, but you’ll also require some training.

Being a business strategist is one of the most satisfying jobs for those who prefer the big-picture perspective than the micro-managing for website coding or dentistry. Instead of looking for jobs that require you to be more of an automated human, a strategist will have all the flair and eccentricity of a human – but with powers of deduction that AI is a long way off from capturing. You can study strategy online through a university or in your own independent way – what matters is that you’ll be able to see the big picture on all kinds of issues and help steer companies into less choppy, more profitable waters as a result. 

It may seem like there are unlimited options for people in search of a new career path, but this selection of options has hopefully been helpful in pointing you towards some particularly exciting and profitable options. There are hundreds of ways to enter professional fields nowadays and the job market is constantly adapting to the needs of individuals and industries, so make sure you’re well prepared for whichever job you choose.