3 Things You Should Never Do if You Are Facing Sexual Harassment Allegations

Being accused of sexual harassment is always a terrifying situation to find yourself involved in. Emotions are running high, and it’s tempting to react instead of respond when you’re questioned or verbally attacked.

The difference between the two terms is that when you react, you let your emotions control what you say and do. You usually end up regretting impulsive reactions later. Responses, on the other hand, are controlled, composed, and emotionally regulated.

If you’re facing a sexual harassment allegation, it’s crucial that you keep your emotions tightly reined. Otherwise, your reactions could end up hurting your case in the long run. Find yourself sex crimes attorneys you trust, and in the meantime, do not do these three things.

1. Don’t Reach Out to the Other Party

You’re going to have a lot of confusion, fear, and anger rolling through your mind, especially if the accusation is false or your actions were misinterpreted. 

Chances are, you’ll want to reach out and question the accusing party or their family and friends. Do not do this. Not only can they use what you say against you, and twist it if necessary, but it can come back on you as an intended attack. 

Whether you have a restraining order in place or not, stay away from contacting anyone you know that knows your accuser. This includes both written and verbal text, as well as third-party messages.

Rumors fly, and if you can prove that you had no communication with the instigators, their lies won’t hold ground.

2. Always Listen to Your Attorney

You might think you know best, and in many cases, you do. However, in this situation, let your lawyer dictate your moves. 

Never talk to anyone in an official capacity, such as the other party’s attorney or a police officer, without your legal representative present

Your lawyer knows all the tricks they will try to play to get you to think they’re on your side. They will step in and stop them from trapping you in your own words.

3. Stick to Yourself

Having a support system is great. Find those few people you trust with your lives, and let them keep you distracted.

But don’t go on social media and talk about the case at all. Don’t try to defend yourself or smear the other person’s reputation. It’s best not to post anything at all in case the other party’s attorneys can use the post against you. Even private messaging, such as text or Facebook Messenger, isn’t a safe way to communicate.

If you have to talk to someone about the circumstances in the case, do so with your attorney present. This includes family and friends. Never put anything in writing that you wouldn’t want the wrong person to see.

Trust your attorney to have your interests at heart. They’ll know the defense to use that is most likely to get you the best verdict possible, and how to mount your case to get to that point. 

Make it a general rule not to talk about the case to anyone unless it’s your lawyer or they are with you. You’ll get through this time smoothest if you learn how to stay silent when you can, and respond instead of react when you can’t.