When running an online business, you need to have a website that will be a sort of business card for your company in the online world. Have you ever heard that your web page should be mobile-friendly or responsive? Why does it matter, and how to make sure that the platform meets all demands to be a valuable website? You will find the answers to these and other questions in the article below.

Why do mobile-friendly websites matter?
Many website owners wonder why they should even bother with creating a mobile-friendly website, adjusted to electronic devices other than computers. The number of Internet users who choose their smartphones and tablets over laptops and PCs is growing, so it’s only natural that the websites they visit should keep up with the changing trends. If you want to stay on the market and be interesting to regular and potential customers, you need to make sure that your web page is meeting all the demands. One of these demands is that it is responsive.
Responsive website – what is it?
To put it simply, a responsive website is one that adjusts its layout to the devices of the users. It shrinks or grows depending on the screen size. At the same time, no crucial elements are lost or cut off from the page. A user does not have to scroll or move the page to see a picture or the rest of the text, as they would have to if the website was not responsive. There is nothing surprising about the fact that everyone would be fed up with using such a web page. Responsiveness is the key to success in the online world.
Having a responsive website is beneficial. A web page that adjust to the needs of the users has numerous advantages, not only for the user, but also for you as an owner of the website. As some sites might get away with not being mobile-friendly, others would not live long without such adjustments. Let’s look at an example where the mobile version of the platform is an important factor contributing to success. Pages offering entertainment in the online casinos that have their mobile versions, either responsive websites or apps, are much more convenient in use than the ones that don’t. Platforms such as Casinos.co.za list casinos, and the users that want to play, bet and have some fun can enter the page and find the option that suits them best. Due to the fact that these are mobile casinos, the players can use them anywhere, at home, in public places, during their travels. Everything is safe, secure, tried-and-tested, and what is most important, comfortably displayed on their mobile device’s screen.
Responsive, adaptive, or maybe an app?
A responsive website is not the only option you have as a website owner. You can decide on an adaptive web page or create a whole app for your business. The choice depends on your needs, expectations, target group and other factors characteristic of your domain and business profile. Every option has both advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into consideration when picking the best solution. Responsive design requires creating one site that adjusts to various devices, while adaptive is an option with two sites but better optimized ones. An app seems like the best solution if your platform includes interactive elements or is designed to attract users for a long period.
Advantages of mobile-friendly website design
To make it as obvious as possible that you need a responsive or in any other way mobile-friendly website, let’s take a look at some advantages of such a solution. First, if the users feel comfortable exploring your web page, they will stay for longer and become regular customers. The more people visit the website, the better its results are. Your platform is considered by search engines as valuable and appears higher in search results. As your website is getting more popular, so is the whole brand. In other words, a mobile-friendly web page gives you improved visibility in search engines, better user experience and the identification of your brand, which all result in higher income.