The global stock market has, since the turn of 2021, experienced significant volatility. CNBC highlights the fact that this volatility can be good news for investors, but with one caveat – you need to know what you’re doing. The chaos that stock surges and falls brings can create a headache for slow-and-steady investors, but behind the excitement of a roller coaster stock ticker lies something to hang on to. Understanding modern market forces, and creating a cogent strategy to suit, can help new and returning traders to find a comfortable base from which to start making profits.

Get your tech
Conducting equity research is quite essential as it provides detailed financial analysis and recommendations to investors on whether to buy, hold, or sell a specific investment. But for years, investors have had only a few options when it comes to stock market research and purchasing. The Bloomberg Terminal is, as Vox points out, the most iconic of these, but also prohibitively expensive for anyone but experienced, business-level traders. However, the success of the terminal points to an important lesson – technology is king. Finding the right research platform for your work is important, and what you choose will be dictated by your strategy. Detailed researchers like Stock Rover and Ziggma will give very in-depth insights with time; TradingView and Motley can offer a better ‘in’ for new traders. Look at what you can commit, time-wise, and compare this to the tools on offer.
Resisting the winds
There’s a lot of change to be experienced in the stock market. A red-hot housing bubble has had a huge impact on proceedings. The ever-increasing impact of COVID on primary and secondary industries drags down other areas. More people with cash in their pocket has created the retail investment surge. The answer to these esoteric challenges is a strategy. While the causes for volatility have changed, the patterns seen are the same as they’ve ever been, and having a well-planned strategy to execute your purchasing priorities can tackle this. According to Forbes, understanding the big picture will save you a lot of headache in the long run. Be calm, and continue to execute your strategy.
Gentle flexibility
Of course, being consistent doesn’t mean you can’t have some variation in your trading patterns. It’s all about calculated risk – how much of your float can you afford to lose on a trade? Will it undercut your strategy and cause you to be disadvantaged on future trades as part of your normal purchasing? Volatility creates opportunity, and that is something that experienced traders will be comfortable with exploiting. However, experienced traders know to play the long-game and avoid undermining their own strategies for a shot at the next big thing. Penny stocks can be a good gamble to take, and an important way to learn about market forces and the potential for gains.
Consistency, the smart use of technology, and an eye for a deal. These are the principles that can help you to weather the storm of a volatile market and continue making gains. You are your own biggest ally in the stock market, and your ability to stay strong in the face of tantalizing changes will create long-term value.