Having an updated resume is always a good idea. Whether you’re looking for a job, you’ve got your sights set on climbing the corporate ladder, or you simply want to be ready in case the right opportunity comes your way, having an updated resume ready to go is handy.
But, getting the words and format just right on a resume can be hard.
Here are five tips for crafting a professional resume for those in operations management.

Check Out Actual Resume Examples in Operations
It can be difficult to know exactly how an operations resume should look and sound based on a list of rules.
That’s where actual resume examples come in handy.
Optimize your operations executive resume by checking out examples online. Even if you aren’t quite ready for an executive role, checking out the information executives in the industry include in their resumes is a great way to make a resume of your own that stands out. You can get ideas for phrasing, formats, info to include, and more.
Add Visual Interest
The information you include on your resume is important, but how you present that information is equally as important. Without the right visual details, your resume can be hard to read. If it’s too hard to read, hiring teams will skip right over your resume and move on to the next one.
Add the right icons and separate sections with visual details that make it easier to skim. That might mean including:
- Page breaks
- Bulleted lists
- Bolded phrases
- Different font sizes
- Incorporating pops of color
- Appropriate emoji icons
Just be careful not to go overboard. Simple is usually always better, so only add visual details if they are relevant and they add something valuable to your resume.
Keep Things Concise and Relevant
Keeping things concise can be a huge challenge if you’ve been in operations management for a while. It’s easy to get carried away and include all of your experience, and before you know it, you have a resume that is multiple pages long.
It’s actually much better to keep the information on your resume concise and relevant, even if it means having to shorten your existing resume.
Use incomplete sentences that list your duties under each of your previous roles, but more importantly, only include experience that is relevant to the position you’re applying for. That means you may have to tweak your resume every time you apply for a new job.
Make it easier on yourself by having a master resume that includes all of your experience. Then, you can pick out the most relevant information to include on a shorter resume that you actually submit.
Write With Applicant Tracking Systems in Mind
Human resource departments have been using applicant tracking systems (ATS) for quite some time, and with giant leaps in AI technology every day, you can bet that they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. If you can’t get your resume past these systems, there’s no hope that it will land in someone’s hand who can actually consider you for the role you’re applying for.
It’s a good idea to keep these systems in mind when you apply for jobs so your resume gets the green light to go through to the next step.
A few tips to get your resume through ATS include:
- Make sure you’re truly qualified for the roles you’re applying for
- Include target keywords throughout your resume, like “operations” and “payroll”
- Make sure your resume is easy to scan by bots and humans
- Avoid using things like tables and text boxes
Have Someone Else Proofread Your Resume
You need to take the time to proofread your resume. You should run it through an online grammar checker or read it out loud, but it’s also a good idea to have someone else proofread your resume too.
Ask a coworker to read it over, or ask a friend or a family member. It’s amazing how much easier it is for someone who didn’t write your resume to find errors.
If you’re really serious about polishing your resume so you can land a coveted executive role, you may want to consider hiring a professional resume writer or a career coach to help you.
It can be hard to write a resume, especially when you only have a single page to share your entire work history. With the tips on this list, you can get the information and formatting on your operations resume just right so you can land your next job.