What Services Can Your Business Outsource This Year to Save Money?

Globally, an astounding 78% of companies that currently outsource say that they are pleased with the relationships they have with outsourcing partners. This figure was reported at the conclusion of the 2016 Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey. The research also revealed that the primary motivation driving the use of outsourced services is to reduce costs. With only a few more months left in 2019, organizations across industries are looking for ways to save money, and end the year on a strong note. Whether you’ve just started your business, or have been running it for some time, outsourcing one or more tasks could be the cost-cutting solution you’ve been in search of. Learn more about three of the top services that you can begin outsourcing this year.

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IT services

Due to the extensive time and knowledge required to perform tasks successfully, managed IT services have become one of the most popular areas for businesses to outsource. This is especially true for small businesses, where it is nearly always cost prohibitive to take on an in-house IT specialist. Common duties to outsource to external IT teams include proactive monitoring of tech systems, installation of the newest software, routine maintenance, and on-site/remote support. What makes managed IT even more cost effective is that companies can often select the exact level of service and support needed. This means that you won’t pay for services you do not need.


Virtual assistants

Many common and time-consuming daily tasks can be outsourced to virtual assistants. Although exact services vary by provider, individuals in this role often perform tasks such as data entry, email management, research for various projects, bookkeeping, managing schedules, and even social media management. In addition to offering affordable services, virtual assistantscan save companies money by completing tasks as efficiently as possible. Additionally, when small businesses outsource these time-consuming tasks, it allows owners and company leaders to focus on their core roles. In the long run, this should ultimately lead to added sales and higher profits, which is another financial benefit.


Graphic design

For nearly every business, some level of graphic design is needed to make websites, marketing materials, menus, and the like look professional. While some business owners or marketing managers may attempt design projects on their own, the results are often undesirable. If you or one of your staff members are spending time on design-related tasks (especially if this person does not have design experience), it is best to start outsourcing. By having logos, brochures, websites, and other projects designed well the first time, you will be able to save money, and have a much better final product every time.

Aside from this list, there are many other duties that can be outsourced to freelancers and agencies. To decide which services will save you the most time and money, compare the current costs of time-consuming tasks with what it would cost to outsource.