Developing an app requires hard work. To ensure that the app adds value for the target audience it is designed for; it is essential to confirm it. Even though designers and developers consider many factors while developing an app, the ideas might not always align with their users. Rolling out an app for the masses without considering the users’ expectations can result in a massive failure. It is precisely why beta testing is essential.

What Is Beta Testing?
In beta testing, the apps or the software are distributed to the end users. The aim of best testing is not only to test the app/software but also, to validate it as well. It is comparable to various feedback systems like McDVoice, where customer feedback is taken into account to improve a particular product or service. Most of the end users to whom the beta testing is presented are a part of the real-world user base.
The assessment provided by the beta testers can give the development teams much-needed insights on the app/software. These insights help polish the app/software before releasing the final version to the mass users.
The Different Stages Of Product Testing
The three fundamental stages of any product testing are alpha, beta and continuous improvement. The internal development team performs alpha testing. Mainly, alpha testing is carried out with the help of test automation tools. Beta testing involves external stakeholders and complements alpha testing. Most of the products and services are launched after successful beta testing. Once the result of the beta testing is positive, the product is rolled out in the market, and it enters the stage of continuous improvement.
The Importance Of Customer Validation
When rolling out an app or software for customers, you must recognize customer validation. Beta testing helps the developers understand how well the app/software is managed to meet the customers’ expectations. Furthermore, it determines the degree to which the product is ready for the final launch.
The beta testers can involve anyone, including the internal stakeholders. However, including independent users who belong to the commercial user’s target group is of prime importance. The feedback collected by the actual users then acts as a catalyst to give the final touch to the product.
Other importance of beta testing includes quality assurance, usability factor, bug detection and performance test. The added benefits of beta testing include free advertising and marketing by the beta testers.
The Right Time To Engage In Beta Testing
Beta testing generally starts after the Alpha testing and before the product’s release in the market. The right time to engage in beta testing is when the product is 95% completed. In other words, the right time to engage in beta testing is when the product has reached stability and is feature rich.
How To Work On Beta Testing?
The first step obviously involves designing the app or software. Furthermore, the product should be near completion. After the product is nearly ready, the planning phase begins. A proper roadmap is required for the same. Finally, the developers should clearly segregate the different parameters to be tested in beta testing for in-depth analysis later.
The third involves analyzing the beta testers. Again, including the right set of audiences as beta testers is essential. Further, the number of beta testers should be enough for statistical analysis of the beta testing. After distributing the app or software, the next involves taking feedback. Once the data from the input is available, it should be considered to improve the product further.
Two important things that should be considered regarding the beta testers are the numbers. Many businesses prefer to have approximately 300 to 500 beta testers. The second thing the developers should consider is the beta testers’ diversity. It is essential to bring variety amongst the beta testers to ensure that feedback from different target audience categories is gathered.
What After Beta Testing?
After completing the beta testing, the developers should collect the beta testers’ feedback. Then, the developers should fix all the major bugs along with other issues raised. Once everything is addressed, the product is finally ready to be launched in the market. Please note that beta testing is not the end stage. Once the product is out in the market, it should undergo continuous improvement.