Turning Your Bedroom Into A Productive Home Office

Employees who work from home are 47% more productive, according to India Today. The ideal place to work from is a dedicated home office, but not every employee has the space for this. As a result, almost 31% of people use their bedroom as their home office. So, how do you turn your sleeping space into a productive working space?

Focus on your desk 

74% of people say they’ve felt uncomfortable when working from home. Workstations are often to blame for this. You need a desk that is large enough to comfortably fit your laptop, as well as any paperwork and other key work tools. Desks come in all shapes and sizes, so you should be able to find one that fits into even the tightest of spaces in your bedroom. You could even get a foldaway desk. This may benefit your sleep as you won’t be stuck staring at the place you work when you get into bed. If you’re short on space and already have a dressing table in your bedroom, use this as your desk. Just make sure you’ve got an ergonomic chair to support your back when you’re sitting there.

Move your bedroom around 

Working with your back to your bed is the best way to be productive when your working space is also your bedroom. Your desk should therefore be against a wall. Better yet, place it so you work facing a window. Natural light boosts your mood and increases productivity, according to science. If this isn’t possible, put good lighting around your workspace. The one thing you will have to think about with this setup is your background. 87% of Indian businesses say they support flexible working with the use of video conferencing. You don’t want your colleagues, or worse your boss, seeing your unmade bed, dirty washing, or personal belongings in the background of your video calls. Move things around so you have a nice view behind you, such as some elegant artwork or a neatly-stacked bookcase.

Divide the space up 

The average bedroom size in India is between 3m x 3.6m and 4.2m x 4.8m. This is a reasonable size room and you’re likely to be able to fit a desk and essential home office equipment in this space, along with your bed and bedroom furniture. But if you’re one of the 53.1% of people who say things in the home distract you from working, it’s a good idea to separate the place where you sleep from the place you work. You could put up a curtain or voile around your home office so you can escape. Another option is a screen divider. Some screen dividers even have shelves which make great storage for things such as pens and sticky notes. 

Your bedroom is a good place to use as your home office if you have no other free space in your property. Just make sure you follow these tips to ensure you create a working environment that will help your productivity.