If you thought that the job descriptions you typically come across are dreary and verbose, be happy in the knowledge that prospective coaches of the Indian cricket team don’t have it any easier. With Ravi Shastri’s term nearing its end, the BCCI must find a new man to coach the Indian cricket team. And it’s done what any employer does – put out a job description.

The job description something right out of a Naukri.com. Long meaningless sentences abound (“Demonstrate an understanding and ability of employing a multidisciplinary approach”, begins requirement number 4), and there’s phrasing that’ll make any conscientious HR cry with joy (“Demonstrate methods/tools to effectively measure individual player performance”, says point number 5.)
But snuck in between the long meandering paragraphs are a couple of quite pertinent points. “Mandatory that the candidate should have an impeccable personal record, devoid of any past or current disputes, with any of the member boards of the ICC or its affiliates.”, says point 9. Indian cricket has had a period where it had the dark shadows of match fixing hover over it, and this requirement likely nullifies the appointment of anyone who’s had their names come up in the controversy. “Communication skills befitting the coach of an International team are mandatory along with the ability to effectively convey the right messages and must demonstrate proficiency in English”, is also likely to render some unfortunate candidates disqualified.
But still, asking for English competency seems a lot more reasonable when compared to the job announcement for the coach of the Pakistan team, which had demanded that candidates have “MS Office skills.”