Meet These 11 People Who Quit Their Jobs To Follow Their Passion

You’ve been dreaming of finally leaving your corporate cubicle forever. Maybe it’s because you think your work is boring and repetitive. Maybe it’s because your boss is an prick. Or maybe it’s because you’re truly passionate about something, and are willing to forego the comforts and perks of a normal job to follow your dreams.

We bring you 10 people who did leave their corporate cubicles. Their motives were different – some have set up businesses, others have travelled, yet some others have tried to give back to society. But their underlying motives remain – they’ve turned their backs on a safe, conventional life and taken the plunge. And they’re all very happy with their life choices.

Meet These 11 People Who Quit Their Jobs To Do Something Amazing – Part 1

You know how you always thought that someday you want to quit your job your and do something of your own – cook, bake, travel the world or start your own business?
We bring you 11 people (and trust us, there are thousands of them!) who actually did. The fat salary, the cushy secure job, and a stable life couldn’t stop these people from treading a path less traveled- one fraught with risks, uncertainty and financial instability – all to follow their passion.

My First Day at Google – And the Beginning of Something Special

I still remember that day 5 years ago like it was yesterday. It was 8 am and I was ready in my most crisp formals- unnecessary as I’d get to know later- and the cab picked me and a couple of others to ferry us to the office. As a 21 year old in a new city, and away from the family for the first time, the excitement of starting my first job was mixed with a certain nervousness and a 100 questions.

15 Ways To Earn Money Alongside a Full-Time Job

So, you find yourself living from paycheque to paycheque more often than you’d like to. Or simply, you’d like to have some extra “fun cash” to do things that wouldn’t eat into your savings for bigger things like a house, marriage or future education.

While the timings of your existing job, your work load or required skills may play a big role into your ability to earn extra income, we have compiled an indicative Infographic of things you could do with little or no effort to make that extra buck while having a full time job.

10 Things To Do in Office On a Free Day

The idea of having free time at work may be as elusive as the unicorn, but there are those rare moments of bliss when you’ve been a superstar, you’ve turned in all your action items, heaped the praise from the boss, or simply because your boss isn’t around breathing down your neck is letting you have some sweet time to yourself.
So, while you’re jailed at work and find yourself free inside, here’s how to make the most of your time