What Happens When Your Date Of Joining Is Delayed
You cleared the written rounds, the technical interviews, and the HR interviews. And you have an offer letter from a company of your dreams. But your company hasn’t sent you a date of joining yet.
You cleared the written rounds, the technical interviews, and the HR interviews. And you have an offer letter from a company of your dreams. But your company hasn’t sent you a date of joining yet.
Digital Gorkha is a housing security system that implements visitor security policies in large residential campuses. The company uses technology to streamline the identification, authentication, registration, badging and monitoring of visitors.
Discount coupon site GrabOn today launched the third version of its website. The chief change that comes with this version is Buzz Me – a feature that will allows online shoppers to have a personalized notification popping-up on their desktop. Users would not need to register or download any app or plugin for this feature to work.
Rahul Yadav, the controversial CEO of Housing.com, has been fired by the board, brining and end to his tumultuous tenure as CEO.
Flipkart has announced that it will be moving 300 of its employees to Serco, a company that specializes BPO operations. This move has not gone down well with the employees, many of whom are reportedly mulling quitting over this transfer.
Business students and engineering students usually don’t see eye to eye, but they seem to agree on one thing – given a choice, they’d love to work at Google. What’s more, even men and women seem to be unanimous in their desire to work at the tech giant.
There are a slew of coupon based sites in India today, all offering incredible discounts to their delighted customers. But one company, in the short span of 15 months, has established itself as a premier player in the discount coupons space. It is the Hyderabad-based startup, GrabOn.
Times Of India today reported that Housing.com CEO Rahul Yadav had stepped down again from his post. This would have been his second…
The CFA exams are famously taxing, not in the least because most people taking them also work full time jobs. This makes squeezing out those infamous 300 hours particularly hard. But intimidating as it might seem, it’s very possible to juggle both the exam and your career – and if you’re good, even your social life.
Here’s how.