Meet These 11 People Who Quit Their Jobs To Do Something Amazing – Part 1

You know how you always thought that someday you want to quit your job your and do something of your own – cook, bake, travel the world or start your own business?
We bring you 11 people (and trust us, there are thousands of them!) who actually did. The fat salary, the cushy secure job, and a stable life couldn’t stop these people from treading a path less traveled- one fraught with risks, uncertainty and financial instability – all to follow their passion.

This French Girl Has Rural Andhra Pradesh Abuzz

Paderu is a sleepy little town in rural Andhra Pradesh, India. It essentially consists of a solitary winding road with quaint produce shops and tiny grocery stores dotted all along it. Cows languidly compete with rickety auto rickshaws for the right of way, mooing discontentedly when one appears into sight. Sari-clad women haggle noisily with shop owners, as the men smoke beedis and watch the world go by. Among all this, there’s a figure that stands out from the rest. It’s young Frenchwoman Christelle Ledroit, trying to blend into the crowd with a bright red salwaar kameez.

Top Businesswomen In India in 2015

India has produced a remarkable number of women who have made a name for themselves in the workplace. Cutting across business verticals, these women have risen to the top of their chosen fields and in doing so have inspired a generation of new businesswomen to follow in their footsteps. In doing so, they have shown that while the glass ceiling might most definitely still exist, it certainly seems to be cracking under their combined onslaught.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, OfficeChai presents a list of top women in business in India in 2015.

[UPDATED] How This Employee Nearly Committed Suicide After Being Fired By Samsung India

Getting fired isn’t pleasant at the best of times. But when an exit is acrimonious, things can get especially ugly. That’s what happened to Brajesh Sayta, an employee of Samsung, Bangalore. He was asked to turn in his papers after a protracted spell of bad ratings. Brajesh felt he’d been unjustly treated. He posted this on his facebook wall. It was a suicide note.

My First Day at Google – And the Beginning of Something Special

I still remember that day 5 years ago like it was yesterday. It was 8 am and I was ready in my most crisp formals- unnecessary as I’d get to know later- and the cab picked me and a couple of others to ferry us to the office. As a 21 year old in a new city, and away from the family for the first time, the excitement of starting my first job was mixed with a certain nervousness and a 100 questions.