How Many People Does the Gambling Industry Employ?

The gambling industry is one of the fastest-growing in America. Although gambling is not legal in all of the United States, more states continue to legalize the practice.

The gambling industry brings multiple benefits to the economy, including creating employment opportunities. The sector employs people directly by engaging them in the casinos’ daily operations. In addition, more people earn money indirectly from the gambling industry by working in industries that serve the betting sector. According to Forbes, 2021 has been a year of recovery for the industry, beating all revenue records from previous years. 

This article will focus on the individuals who earn their income from gambling-related activities.


Careers in the Gambling Industry

There are countless casinos, electronic bingo parlors, card rooms, and racinos in the US. Although most people are only familiar with dealers, numerous other positions play their part in ensuring everything runs smoothly at these betting establishments.

Surveillance Officers

These people play a significant role in maintaining security in the casino. They operate inside the casino observation rooms and scan the casino floor for suspicious activity using electronic means. They also patrol the casino floor occasionally to ensure the security of the establishment is not disrupted. You only require a high school diploma for this role. In addition, on-the-job training is offered to help you understand the ins and outs of the venue you’d be working for.

Pit Managers

The casino floor has several subdivisions called pits. Each pit has its unique procedures. The pit managers oversee the smooth running of operations in their respective pits. These managers are highly experienced professionals with a background in dealing, security, or other casino-related jobs. They report directly to the casino leadership.


These are one of the most popular casino workers. They operate table games on casino floors. Dealers dispense different props such as chips and cards to players while sitting or standing. They collect players’ money and distribute the winnings. You must go through a dealer school to become a competent dealer. Some casinos even pay for some of their employees to attend dealer schools. The course takes six weeks to complete.


This job aims to ensure the guests are comfortable while placing their bets. It focuses on offering hospitality services such as making reservations, welcoming guests, and giving directions. A gaming concierge also plays a part in gambling activities, just like a dealer. For this reason, most casinos require them to undergo training.

Floor Servers

Floor servers take orders and serve drinks and food to people in the casino while ensuring the service area stays clean. They initiate conversations and offer advice to promote and improve guest relations. Depending on the establishment, floor servers also deal with payouts.

Customer Service Representatives

This job is one of the most critical roles in a casino. These people attend to customer inquiries through emails, live chat messages, and phone calls. They also respond to any concerns that the patrons raise. In addition, they sometimes work in sales and marketing and handle financial transactions in the casino.

Developers and Security Specialists

These people create interactive platforms for online betting sites. However, multiple states are yet to legalize online betting. Developers ensure the apps are easy to use and as engaging as possible to keep the players coming back. On the other hand, security specialists analyze the betting networks and sites to identify security flaws and prevent breaches.

Final Thoughts

The gambling sector is continuing to grow, hence creating multiple employment opportunities. According to recent gambling employment statistics, approximately 26% of the global population participates in gambling. While this article has captured only a few jobs, other industries also reap the benefits of a developed gambling sector Tourism, hospitality, and retail markets see improved traffic, while citizens enjoy lower crime rates and more infrastructure investments through taxes.