Patience & Persistence: Business Skills You Can Cultivate Playing Poker

Patience and persistence are two of the most important traits that any successful entrepreneur should possess. These qualities can be developed in many ways, but one surprising method is playing poker. Yes, you heard it right – playing poker can help you improve your business skills. In this article, we will discuss how poker can cultivate patience and persistence, two vital skills that can help you succeed in the world of business.

Patience is key

In poker, patience is an essential quality that separates amateurs from professionals. It is a game of strategy, and patience is the key to creating the best possible strategy. A good poker player knows when to fold, and this requires patience. In the same way, a good entrepreneur knows when to cut their losses and move on. Patience is also required when waiting for the right opportunity to arise. In poker, it may take several hands to get a good hand, and in business, it may take time to find the right investment or partnership. Patience is essential in both cases.

Patience also helps in making better decisions. In poker, if a player is impatient, they may rush to make a decision, which may result in a poor outcome. In business, impatience can lead to bad decisions, such as investing in the wrong company or hiring the wrong person. Patience enables you to take the time to gather information, analyze it, and make an informed decision. It also helps you stay calm in high-pressure situations, such as negotiating or dealing with difficult clients. It may take some time to develop poker skills; however, the power of these skills cannot be overlooked.

Persistence pays off

In poker, persistence is the ability to keep playing, even when things are not going well. A good poker player knows that they will not win every hand, but they keep playing until they win a big pot. This requires persistence, and the same can be said for business. There will be setbacks, failures, and obstacles along the way, but successful entrepreneurs keep going until they reach their goals. 

Persistence is also required in building relationships. In poker, players must maintain a poker face, but they also need to read their opponents and understand their playing style. In business, building relationships with clients, investors, and partners requires persistence. It may take time to build trust and establish a rapport, but persistence pays off in the long run.

Perseverance in the face of adversity is also essential in both poker and business. In poker, a player may have a losing streak, but they must keep playing and stay focused on their strategy. In business, there may be economic downturns, unexpected challenges, or even legal issues, but a successful entrepreneur perseveres and finds a way to overcome these obstacles.

The power of observation

Poker also teaches the power of observation. In a game of poker, players must pay close attention to their opponent’s actions, such as their betting pattern, facial expressions, and body language. This observation enables players to make informed decisions and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Similarly, in business, observation is critical. Successful entrepreneurs must be aware of market trends, consumer behavior, and their competition. They must also be aware of their employee’s performance and how their decisions impact the company. Observation enables entrepreneurs to make informed decisions and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Risk management

Poker players are also skilled in risk management. In a game of poker, players must weigh up the risks and rewards of each decision they make. They must also consider the odds and probabilities of winning a hand. This risk management is essential in business. Entrepreneurs must weigh the risks and rewards of each investment, partnership, or decision they make. They must also consider the potential consequences and have a plan in place to mitigate any risks.


Finally, poker teaches adaptability, as the players have to adjust their strategies based on their opponent’s actions and the cards on the table. They must be able to adapt to changing circumstances and make decisions on the fly. In business, adaptability is also critical. Market conditions can change rapidly, and entrepreneurs must be able to adjust their strategies and pivot their business models as necessary.

Adaptability also requires the ability to learn from mistakes. In poker, players will inevitably make mistakes, but they can learn from them and improve their game. The same applies to business, where entrepreneurs may make mistakes, but they can learn from them and use that knowledge to make better decisions in the future.


Playing poker can teach many valuable lessons that can be applied to the world of business. Patience, persistence, observation, risk management, adaptability, and the ability to learn from mistakes are all crucial skills for success in both poker and business. Poker should be seen as a complementary skill-building activity that can enhance an entrepreneur’s ability and help them succeed in the business world.