How To Crack The CFA Exams While Working A Full Time Job
The CFA exams are famously taxing, not in the least because most people taking them also work full time jobs. This makes squeezing out those infamous 300 hours particularly hard. But intimidating as it might seem, it’s very possible to juggle both the exam and your career – and if you’re good, even your social life.
Here’s how.
These Companies Allow Pets At Work And How!
While we wait and hope for India to join in this beautiful office perk, here are some photos of dogs at various companies that will probably make you hate yours.
How To Be Productive During Your Daily Commute
A long commute to work doesn’t always have to mean staring out on the road aimelessly, or cracking your knucles in mock frustration. Commutes if planned and done right, could make a world of difference to your daily schedule and actually come in quite handy for productivity. Here’s an Infographic that illustrates how best to use your daily commute to work!
How This Startup Took On Gillette With A Viral Video
When you’re a tiny startup, most people would advise you to not enter a market which has a large player with a virtual monopoly. But xx and yy deicide to do just that. They’d met at a party, and conversation turned towards how expensive razor blades were. Soon after, they’d come up with a company that sold razor blades at an amazing price point of $1/month. But they had one problem in their way. Gillette.
How Office Layout Affects Employee Morale & Performance
In order to most easily establish an office space that incorporates collaborative ideas and company culture, the cubicles need to go.
A Startup Employee Talks About The Realities Of The Indian Startup World
One of my favorite ways to describe what happens when people adopt ways/ideas of people of a different culture is – ‘Hitting the bullseye of the wrong target.’ This is exactly what has happened with the Indian startup scene. Following are some of the things that I’ve observed.
Meet These People Who Have Made Yoga A Full-Time Career
On this World Yoga Day, we bring you 6 people who’ve said no to conventional corporate jobs, have trained day and night to master the art, some even completing formal studies in Yoga and have turned it into a full time career and a lifestyle.
Guess Which Companies Own These 14 Products You Use Everyday
From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, your life revolves around products. These products are household names,…
After Google & Amazon, Karbonn & TCS to set up big centres in Hyderabad
The joint capital of the newest state of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has a few reasons to celebrate.