Famous Companies And Startups Founded By BITS Pilani Alumni

Unlike the IITs, BITS Pilani is about many other things along with education. Entrepreneurship, for example. If we go by the accounts of its alumni, BITS focuses on overall development and leadership quality of students. Their annual start-up events like Conquest and strong alumni networks led to entrepreneurship culture among students. And when you have opportunity, suitable infrastructure and necessary network support, every dream is achievable. These BITS Pilani alumni proved this right.

Famous Companies Founded by IIT Bombay Alumni

The hallowed walls of IIT create dreams for students. But for some, it’s the first step to conquer the world. From CEOs and scientists to successful entrepreneurs, IIT alumni have inspired generations to come. Some make their mark in their niche sector, while others venture into fields unknown and emerge as success stories to covet for.

Here we have listed some of the major startups founded by IIT Bombay alumni. Read on to get inspired and dare to dream like they did.

2016’s Top 10 Biggest Indian Startup Funding Deals

Although 2016 has witnessed a substantial decrease in total investment and funding in Indian startups, the number of deals have increased since 2014. This year, on an average, half a million dollars were invested every hour in Indian startups and our list of biggest Indian startup funding deals in 2016 shows the continuing investment appetite for wide-ranging industrial sectors. However, majority of the deals have taken place in technology and e-commerce sector, a significant value of deals poured in the education sector as well, albeit fewer in number.

The comprehensive list was published here and here’s our list of top 10 biggest Indian startup funding deals happened in 2016.

Famous Startups And Companies Founded By IIM A Alumni

We have endured decades of stereotypes when it comes to career. We could either be engineers or doctors. We were sent to study conventional subjects to take conventional paths and lead a secured life. But there was a silent revolution fuming inside our generation that compelled trained many engineers and MBAs leave the comfort of regular paychecks and sail out as entrepreneurs instead. It was this same sense of non-conformity that led these IIM Ahmadabad graduates to launch startups with calculated risks instead of continuing with corporate jobs.

Here’s a list of some famous companies founded by IIM-A alumni.

PwC Plans To Mentor 10 Startups For Free

India now offers one of the fastest growing startup ecosystems in the world and the recent announcement from one of the Big Four consultancies made its future even brighter. According to recent media reports, PwC has decided to mentor 10 handpicked startups to give advice on matters of taxation and fundraising.