Wipro Launches All Women Tech Park In Saudi Arabia, Will Create 22,000 Jobs

Indian IT giant Wipro is all set to trigger and change the careers of women in Saudi Arabia, a country usually unknown for its women friendly practises and laws. The company in a partnership with local partners will build Saudi Arabia’s first women only tech park. Wipro that already has an outsourced facility in Saudi Arabia, has just inaugurated this initiative in a joint venture with Saudi Aramco as a strategic partner and Princes Nourah University (World’ largest university for women).

Engineering Graduates Across India Desperately Wait For Their Dates Of Joining

What companies typically issue at college campuses are Letters of Intent – which are essentially job offers, but they come with a caveat – they don’t specify when the selected students will be required to join these companies and start their professional lives. A lucky few get their Dates of Joining, or DOJs, right after graduating, which ensures a seamless transition from college life to the real world. But there are a large group of students who are kept on hold until business requirements dictate that they be brought on board. In a bleak economic environment, this wait can extend for months.