You Don’t Need To Carry Your Drivers License Anymore, Thanks To New Govt. App
A Drivers License was something that marked your passage into adulthood. As soon as you as you’d acquired one, you’d carry it in…
A Drivers License was something that marked your passage into adulthood. As soon as you as you’d acquired one, you’d carry it in…
Kishore Biyani really doesn’t like startups. Late last year, he had said that none of the existing grocery delivery service would survive. His stand…
Companies call other companies out all the time over theft of high-tech IP, patented software, and proprietary algorithms. But these Indian companies are…
If you’re from Mumbai, you’d know that Marine Drive in the mornings is a delight. There’s no better place to jog, work out,…
If there were a Programming Olympics, India might still fare quite poorly.
Raghuram Rajan has one of the most academically impressive resumes one could hope for – engineering from IIT-D, an MBA from IIM-A, and…
Say what you will about the business model, cash burn, valuation, and profitability aspects of Flipkart, its customers only care about one thing…
Raising money for your venture can be harrowing at the best of times. It takes up valuable time and effort, investors don’t often…
If you thought surge pricing was bad, get a load of this. Rathish Sekhar, a private consultant from Hyderabad, had booked an Ola…