In Conversation with Ramya Sriram, A Cartoonist With An Engineering Background

Ramya Sriram is an artist who creates comics, caricatures and many fun things. She has worked with many corporations; she has even designed some of the coolest wedding cards for couples and she has left no stone unturned when it comes to creativity. In our Uncorporate Jobs series where we feature people who have chosen an unconventional career, Mohita Adhvaryu got talking to the artist where she reveals some fascinating aspects about her life.

How to Protect Your Data When Working From Home

Working from home is great but it comes along with great responsibility. You often work with clients whose personal information is sent your way, and if your data gets compromised, your business can be devastated. Online security is not something to be taken lightly. It could mean the difference between operating your business smoothly and losing clients because of data breaches.