32 Lakh Debit Cards Have Been Blocked Across India: Here’s What To Do
Okay, you’ve read that 32 lakh debit cards have been compromised in India in what has been the biggest financial breach so far…
Okay, you’ve read that 32 lakh debit cards have been compromised in India in what has been the biggest financial breach so far…
India has become an IT powerhouse. Lots of Indians are write original code and new software every day, but there’s a question that’s…
As the head of a company, there are a number of important financial decisions impacting the fate of your business that must be…
Considering that you spend 40 hours a week there, shouldn’t your office or cubicle be comfortable and inviting? Contrary to popular belief, keeping an austere work space doesn’t promote productivity.
On July 1, 1996, exactly twenty years ago to the day, I entered an office for the first time ever in a full-time job and began my career in the corporate sector. On that day as I contemplated what my boss would be like, what work I would be given, and indeed, what was for lunch, I don’t think I would have imagined the journey that lay ahead of me. After twenty years, ten bosses, five moves, four kilos, and a journey that has spanned experiences across many different businesses and countries, I am back where it all began – Mumbai. Did I ever imagine I’d be working in the corporate sector for twenty years? To be honest, perhaps not, but back then a time horizon of a couple of years was long term thinking. As I think back to that twenty-two-year-old me sitting in the reception, waiting to collect my visitor ID badge, if I had the chance, what would I say to myself? Here’s an attempt.
While we live in a world increasingly dominated by digital communication, the telephone is still very important for business. If you work in a professional environment there will probably be cause for you to answer the phone at some point, so it’s important to know how to do it properly. Here are some top tips for answering a call professionally.
The mind can work in mysterious ways. Sometimes, that’s not such a good thing, especially when it seems that your good intentions are sabotaged at every turn. Take looking for a job, for example. A positive mind set is crucial for success – so what can you do to ensure that you stay confident during the recruitment process? Here are 8 tips and ideas you can implement straight away.
Having interned with two PSU’s earlier, I knew that an internship at a startup would be a different & unique experience, one that I was very eager to begin. While writing this, I realized how time flies, with my internship culminating soon. While sitting in my cubicle and mentally turning the pages of my internship journal, I reflect – It has certainly been the most productive summer vacation for me! Every form of positive learning I have come across since this internship commenced, is still fresh in my mind.
Here are the four positive unexpected learnings that have helped me find a better version of myself and continue to do so:
I have immense respect for people who give up their well-paying corporate jobs to follow their dreams, irrespective of the outcomes, because it takes guts. For those who have left their corporate jobs or intend to do the same, I thought I would put my two cents in. I wanted to share seven important things that have made Conquerem’s journey a very enjoyable and pleasurable experience so far. I am not saying it has been all sunshine and flowers every day, but it could have been a mess had I disregarded any one of these mantras.