How To Maintain A Great Image For Your Company

One of the most important aspects of running a business is keeping the public opinion of it in good stead. It is vital that people think positively of your business. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing out on their business. However, it can be difficult to maintain a positive image. Part of the reason for this is because it is so tricky keeping on top of all the outgoing communications from your company. That way, the general public is more likely to think highly of your business. And that means increased positive word-of-mouth – marketing which speaks for itself. So what are some of the steps you can take to achieve this?

How To Keep Your Employees Healthy On A Budget

Employee absences and employee health problems are a major cost for any business. But when you’re running a startup, absent employees are doubly crippling. There’s just no one else to take up the slack. Each year millions of working days are lost to ill-health. And often, ill-health is entirely preventable.
Unfortunately, it seems like only the big corporates are able to afford expensive gym memberships and life coaches. So where does that leave the small businessperson looking to keep their employees in good shape? Fortunately, there are some answers.

The Head Of Product Design At Facebook Shares 3 Important Lessons About Design

The times they are a changing. Especially within the tech industry, it is becoming increasingly important to be aware of what goes into making a good product. Product designers come in many forms. UI & UX designers, graphic designers, data scientists, business analysts they all serve as part of the product design team. They are here to help you identify, investigate, and validate the problem, and ultimately craft, design, test and ship the solution.

So, who other than the head of product design at a product we all use, and is ubiquitous is every way. Luke Woods, head of product design at Facebook, shares the 3 important lessons he’s learnt at Facebook.

How To Make Being Your Own Boss Work For You

Being your own boss comes with all kinds of perks. You get to set your own price, work from wherever you want and control your work schedule entirely. However, it’s also a lot of responsibility to take on. You’re in charge of personal and business finances. You might find it difficult to work from home without distraction. Perhaps your work life bleeds into your personal time too much. Whatever your woes, these tips should help make being your own boss a much better experience.

8 Important Budget Announcements About Income Tax Every Professional Should Know

The union budget has been declared and and the average individual must be wondering how things are going to change for them in the financial year 2016-17. Over 180 announcements were made which would make it somewhat difficult to keep track of the really relevant ones. Hence, we analyzed the budget for 2016 and summarized the relevant announcements. The 8 announcements listed below are the most noteworthy topics of the budget that you should be aware of.

Why Training Is A Vital Investment For Every Startup

If you were to ask any boss to share their stories about how they became successful, they would all have one thing in common. Staff training. The best and most successful businesses all recognize that their staff need to be the best to make money. However, they don’t realize years after the fact – they realize it at the very beginning.
The odds are against you as a startup, and there is a good chance you will fail. Staff training lowers those odds, and here’s how.