4 Unexpected Learnings From My Internship At A Startup

Having interned with two PSU’s earlier, I knew that an internship at a startup would be a different & unique experience, one that I was very eager to begin. While writing this, I realized how time flies, with my internship culminating soon. While sitting in my cubicle and mentally turning the pages of my internship journal, I reflect – It has certainly been the most productive summer vacation for me! Every form of positive learning I have come across since this internship commenced, is still fresh in my mind.

Here are the four positive unexpected learnings that have helped me find a better version of myself and continue to do so:

An Entrepreneur Shares An Essential 7 Point Action Plan To Starting Up

I have immense respect for people who give up their well-paying corporate jobs to follow their dreams, irrespective of the outcomes, because it takes guts. For those who have left their corporate jobs or intend to do the same, I thought I would put my two cents in. I wanted to share seven important things that have made Conquerem’s journey a very enjoyable and pleasurable experience so far. I am not saying it has been all sunshine and flowers every day, but it could have been a mess had I disregarded any one of these mantras.

21 Most Beautiful Walls Seen In Offices Around India

Indian offices are pulling out all stops to turn a boring office into a creative, fun looking office. And while contemporary furniture and state of the art accessories are one way, more often than not, the walls are cruelly left out. Not at these offices though. Along with other ways to do up the office, they have turned walls into focal points with beautiful wall murals, paintings and other art. In fact, in a way, how interesting the walls are at an office can define how fun that office really is. After all, the writing’s on the wall.
Here’s a look at 21 examples of stunning wall art at offices in India.

Your Next Uber Ride Could Be Helping A Hearing Impaired Person

Uber prides itself on being an equal opportunity employer, and it’s putting its money where its mouth is.

Other than hiring employees regardless of sex, race, religion, or disability in its offices, Uber is also recruiting deaf or dumb drivers. The commutech giant has even included significant app level features to make the experience hassle free, and as normal as possible for the deaf drivers.

Keep Calm And Let Nikesh Carry On

The news reached epidemic proportions a few hours earlier today with journalists calling to ask if I (and many others) now thought that Indian entrepreneurship was dealt a terrible blow with Nikesh Arora’s resignation from Softbank. But no. One man’s resignation letter to his boss does not an Indian start-up disaster make.