These 10 Famous Authors Had Regular Day Jobs!

Long before they became the world class raconteurs we know them to be, and had all the success, fame and money, these authors had normal day jobs to support themselves. As they say art imitates life, many of their writings and incidents in the books were inspired by their jobs.
While most authors kept their jobs after becoming successful authors, some of them even kept the jobs along with their publishing career. In no particular order here’s a list of some famous authors, and their jobs.

10 Things I wish I Could Say To My Boss, But Probably Won’t

No, I’m not about to actually say these to him anytime soon, but god knows how I’ve felt the urge to say them.

I don’t think I’m the only person who’s spent many an exasperated moment wanting to say a few things to our bosses, but simply can’t. Either you value the job too much to risk losing it, or just in deference to seniority, how we do react to the boss is not always how we feel. So, here’s some things I want to say to my boss, even if he’s mostly not going to read it. Some boss, somewhere, might.