5 Silicon Valley Tech Leaders With Liberal Arts Major

If you think only a computer science or engineering degree is the way to become tech superstar, you are wrong. Apparently, people with non-technical academic background and liberal arts major are benefitting the most from tech boom. Major software companies and tech startups are utilizing the creativity and insight of liberal arts to create something incredible in the Silicon Valley. Check out our list of 5 successful tech leaders who studied liberal arts and made it big (money)

Uber Founder’s Is The World’s No. 2 Ranked Wii Tennis Player

Uber is riding high on valuation (nearly $50 billion). From a San Francisco based startup to one of the hottest companies in Silicon Valley – Uber came a long way.

And along the company’s success, Travis Kalanick, the co-founder and CEO of Uber, made it to the Forbes list of billionaires. But it was not just his entrepreneuring skills that worked for the company’s success. The man has a now-not-so-secret passion.

11 Lessons Startup Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Baba Ramdev’s Success Story

While sometimes this Baba may shock some of the more rationals in the country with a few shocking statements, (Ayurveda can “cure” AIDS, crossdressing appearances and whacky antics, what one can’t take away from the maverick is his success, his hard work, and his business savvy. He’s an unlikely entrepreneur that without the fanfare of a Bansal or a Birla is quietely, (and sometimes not so quietly) touching lives in ways that a Flipkart or a Unilever may not.