Knodues: A Product To Record, Track And Collaborate On Expenses

If the app KnoDues has its way, the problem of recording, tracking and collaborating on shared expenses between contacts will soon be a thing of the past.
KnoDues is a smart phone app which helps the user record shared expenses, split them easily, keep a track of all their dues, remind or inform friends about the dues. The app is seamlessly integrated with the user’s phonebook, ensuring that the friends marked in the expense are updated automatically and instantly. The app’s UI & UX has been designed keeping in mind Google’s material design, thereby making the app visually appealing, easy to navigate and very simple to operate.

Meet Arjun Kamath, The Photographer Behind The Stunning “Coming Out” Photo Story

Unless you’ve been living under a rock over the last couple of days, you’ve seen these images that have taken the internet by storm. Provocative and emphatic, they’ve stirred up discussions, drawn adulation, and even brought people to tears. Arjun Kamath is the man behind the project. In an exclusive interview to OfficeChai, he talks about the photo shoot, internet fame, and his love of photography.

12 Worst Mistakes We’ve Seen In Resumes That Mostly Won’t Get You The Job

Being a website that aims to help your career, we know that making a great resume is the first step towards that. While in certain cases, a few gramatical and lingual transgressions can be easily forgiven, for a content writing position, being grammatically sound is crucial. So, using theresumes we received for an opening as reference, these are the 12 worst mistakes, we spotted across the resumes.