Uber Is Offering Chopper Rides This Christmas

While most brands offer attractive discounts, bring out special advertising, and roll out numerous other activities to engage with their potential customers, Uber has taken the Christmas game a notch “higher”.

Uber, in partnership with Droom, an online marketplace for automobiles, has entered into another strategic alliance with Uber for the festive period to bring on-demand chopper rides to Indian consumers.

Some Of The Most Interesting Outdoor Advertising Hacks Done By Indian Startups

While advertising through billboards, hoardings and usually any offline methods is considerably more expensive ( read: up to a million bucks for a months’ spot on a prime location billboard) than online advertising, flush with VC funding, most of the hot startups wouldn’t mind shelling out the dough to stand out from the clutter. And just as well. It makes perfect sense to not only capture the ready online audience, but also onboard and engage a potentially huge and captive offline audience on your platform.

10 Examples Of Companies Using Gifts And Merchandise As Clever Marketing Hacks

Companies are known to be capitalistic, cold and impersonal entities who’re out there to take your money.

However, every now and then they do little gestures, that makes them come across as personal, caring and send warm and fuzzies your way. In their own ways, they go out of their way to reach out and touch.

Call it a clever marketing hack or a genuine gesture, here’s a few instances when some companies – known or small – made people’s days with their thoughtful acts.

Zomato Messes Up An Order, Sends Handwritten Note To Apologize

India’s food tech companies aren’t exactly known for their great customer service. The Facebook pages of Foodpanda, Swiggy and the like are littered with rants from irate customers who’ve been left hungry when their orders haven’t been processed as they’d have liked. The latest entrant in the food ordering game though is trying to do things differently. When a Zomato customer complained on twitter that he hadn’t received an order, he was in for a surprise.

Indian Startups Pitch In To Help With Chennai Floods

Chennai has been hit by record levels of rainfall over the last few days. The rains have left thousands of people stranded, shut down offices and businesses, and 188 lives have been lost. But amidst the gloom, there’s some hope. Indian startups are going out of their way to help Chennai’s stricken populance in any way they can. Here are some Indian startups that have pitched in to help with the Chennai floods.