This Startup Is Sending Letters To The Army This Independence Day

This Independence Day, you can send personalised letters to the Indian Army with a couple of clicks. The Hyderabad based OyeHappy that organizes surprises and other beautiful gestures for your loved ones is now looking to delight those who protect the country. OyeHappy has designed LettersToTheArmy, a website especially for people to write a message for the Indian Defence Force personnel, whihc will be printed and personally hand delivered to the serviceman by the team.

20 Career Tips To Me From 20 Years Ago

On July 1, 1996, exactly twenty years ago to the day, I entered an office for the first time ever in a full-time job and began my career in the corporate sector. On that day as I contemplated what my boss would be like, what work I would be given, and indeed, what was for lunch, I don’t think I would have imagined the journey that lay ahead of me. After twenty years, ten bosses, five moves, four kilos, and a journey that has spanned experiences across many different businesses and countries, I am back where it all began – Mumbai. Did I ever imagine I’d be working in the corporate sector for twenty years? To be honest, perhaps not, but back then a time horizon of a couple of years was long term thinking. As I think back to that twenty-two-year-old me sitting in the reception, waiting to collect my visitor ID badge, if I had the chance, what would I say to myself? Here’s an attempt.

This Man Has Quit His Job To Play Pokémon Full Time

Pokemon Go is no ordinary game. In less than 2 weeks of its launch, it’s the highest rated and installed game ever, its daily users have surpassed those of Twitter and it’s the buzzword du jour. And for those who the job was coming in the way of ‘catching em all’, here’s a man to inspire you. New Zealander Tom Currie has quit his job to become a full-time Pokémon hunter. His job designation on Facebook has been duly changed to “Pokeman trainer”.