These Unicorns’ Websites Looked Very Different Back In The Day

A brand is a constantly evolving entity, and its most physical, visual aspect is its website. While the Unicorn startups of today like Flipkart, Ola, Paytm sport fancy looks bandying terms like Material design today, they have come a long way from being the basic, web 1.0 websites of when they started. Startup pitch app ShotPitch recently did some some delving into the past, and dug out the looks of the top 5 Indian startups. Watch this now and then slideshow for a bout of nostalgia.

These 9 Foreign Students Share What It’s Like To Live In India

India is in the eye of the storm for the unfortunate attacks on African nationals student in New Delhi. This comes close on the heels of a Congo national having been attacked to death, also in the capital. Shameful incidents are like these are not helping set a good precedent for the image of the country as a foreigner friendly nation. Ironically for a country which has often been victimised of racism, these acts of violence are placing India as a racist nation.
However, while we must not leave the perpetrators of such heinous acts against, humans, irrespective of local or foreigner, here’s accounts from African students studying in India, as shared by Foreigners of India.

Meet 17 Indian Startups That Allow Pets In The Office

One of the toughest parts of being away at work for 12 hours a day is being away from your pet. Most people shy away from keeping pets, or are forced to give up their pets to shelters because of work commitments. While most companies abroad allow pets, in India it still remains a much desired perk. However, many startups across the metros are taking matters of the fur into their hands, and welcoming pets into their offices. (Or cafes and studios for that matter.) Here’s some of the startups in India that are pet friendly, along with the pets that grace their offices.

Internet Wants To Reward ‘Laziest Guy’ Who Used Flipkart As ATM

Amongst the laziest things people have done to get stuff done (Or basically Jugaad-ed), this engineering student at a hostel decided to use Flipkart as an ATM. Too lazy to go to the bank to deposit cash, genius struck when our man thought of this brilliant hack. He ordered goods to the tune of the amount he needed the cash for, and chose to employ the Cash On Delivery method. The very next day, he filed for a product return and got his money refunded into his bank the very next day.

20 Quirkiest Culture Hacks At Startups From Around The World

If there’s one thing that makes startups stand apart from the big corporations, it’s their ability to innovate, experiment and maintain a culture. Much has been spoken about the ‘Startup culture’, but startup culture goes beyond pretty offices, free lunches and various perks. While Google’s 20% project time and Facebook’s one month rotations are well known, we have compiled a list of little quirky things startups around the world – small and big- do to boost employee engagement, productivity and in turn have them come up with a kickass product for the end consumer.