Indira Nooyi Shares Important Thoughts About Women At Work

She heads one of the world’s biggest consumer product companies and one of the only 20 women heading an S&P top 200 company, but her insights on the issues women still face at work come across as telling of the situation prevalent even today.
Speaking at the Women in the World Summit, Indira Nooyi, the 44 year old Indian-born CEO of Pepsico, has shared a lot of heartfelt thoughts about women at the workplace.

11 Times When Indian Startup Wars Got Very Real

The Indian startup ecosystem is normally a friendly place. People offer each other tips, share insights and generally have each other’s backs and the whole startup fraternity seems to be one big back-slapping family. But when there’s intense competition and big money at stake, the niceness is sometimes cast aside and bitter rivalries surface. And even as some of these are pushed under the carpet, sometimes the founders decide to make it public.
Here are the top 11 times when the things got a bit heated in the Indian startup ecosystem.

The Day My Startup Died: Of failure, pain and starting anew

I’d spent the last few weeks desperately trying to save my startup and failed. My co-founder had told me point blank that he had no faith in my ability to be the CEO of the company. I’d studied at the best engineering college in the country, worked at the best management consulting firm in the world. I took risks and tried to build a real business that built real technologies to help real factory. I even had paying customers. And still, I’d failed.