Here’s What An IAS Officer Salary And Perks Look Like

In the world of MBAs and Internet entrepreneurs, IAS is still the most coveted and respected white collar job for people who want to be a part of the greater good. Our web world is filled with tutorials and tips on IAS exam preparation, syllabus and strategy building. Needless to say, that brings us to wonder about the salary and perks an IAS officer gets. So here we’ve tried to come up with a list of the IAS officer salary based on their grades and pay scales, as per the 7th Pay Commission report.

Famous Companies Founded by IIT Bombay Alumni

The hallowed walls of IIT create dreams for students. But for some, it’s the first step to conquer the world. From CEOs and scientists to successful entrepreneurs, IIT alumni have inspired generations to come. Some make their mark in their niche sector, while others venture into fields unknown and emerge as success stories to covet for.

Here we have listed some of the major startups founded by IIT Bombay alumni. Read on to get inspired and dare to dream like they did.

2016’s Top 10 Biggest Indian Startup Funding Deals

Although 2016 has witnessed a substantial decrease in total investment and funding in Indian startups, the number of deals have increased since 2014. This year, on an average, half a million dollars were invested every hour in Indian startups and our list of biggest Indian startup funding deals in 2016 shows the continuing investment appetite for wide-ranging industrial sectors. However, majority of the deals have taken place in technology and e-commerce sector, a significant value of deals poured in the education sector as well, albeit fewer in number.

The comprehensive list was published here and here’s our list of top 10 biggest Indian startup funding deals happened in 2016.