How We Built CommonFloor – Vikas Malpani
Vikas Malpani is the Co-Founder of and Head of CommonFloor Groups. In this exclusive writeup for OfficeChai, he talks about his journey while building real estate listing portal
The Economic Times Business Knights Summit 2015
In order to make this a sustained push in business growth, it is imperative that businesses across the country collaborate and harness synergies. The Economic Times Business Knights conclave is intended to bring together business leaders and the finest business minds to ideate, conceive and deliberate on challenges and provide direction for strategic & progressive growth.
How Amazon’s Chai Carts Are Trying To Get Indian Merchants Online
Amazon is moving to the streets and towns of India to convince businessmen to sell through its platform. And the Seattle-based company’s latest acquisition push for sellers has a distinctly Indian whiff to it – it’s trying to woo people with hot cups of chai.
Burger King Invites Rival McDonalds To Come Together For A Day. Gets Turned Down
Burger King, through a series of ads placed in major news papers in the US has called on rival McDonalds to create a “McWhopper”
Man Fatally Shoots Ex-Colleagues Live On Camera, Shoots Himself Later
In a shocking and chilling turn of events in the USA, a black man fatally fired at two of his ex-colleagues, live on camera when the latter were shooting for a live show for the channel WSDJ.
Max Rossett Found A Job At Google By Solving A Mysterious Challenge!
A highly coveted Google job landed on his lap after a mysterious and innovative challenge presented itself to Mark Rosett.
11 Factors To Consider When Deciding to Work At A Startup Or Big Firm
With the boom is startups in India, the number of job creators is widening too, and that in turn means good news for the job seeker who’s spoilt for choice. While the options are many, many of us may face a quandary about which is a better career option for us- A big company or a startup. Here are some of the factors you should consider while making a decision.
These Are The 13 Gigs I Did Before Landing My First Job At Google
A recollection of all the odd jobs- totalling 13- I did, before landing my first job at Google.
Flipkart Puts App-Only Plans On Hold; Jibes From Competitors Begin
Flipkart, which had earlier this year created ripples in the e-commerce world by announcing it would shut down its website and move to an app-only model, has decided to put its plans on hold. The decision has been taken in part because the company is yet to assess how the move would impact sales in big-ticket purchases such as large appliances and furniture.