You Only Wish You Loved Your Job As Much As This Man Does His.
And it’s all over a little bottle of perfume.
And it’s all over a little bottle of perfume.
Your job probably doesn’t need to exist in the first place.
Whether it’s your first time in a corporate environment or you’re an old hand at the switching jobs game, here are some things that happen on your first day at work.
These 6 people working ordinary jobs created history, quite accidentally. Their fluke included created legendary products that are worth billions today. Talk about having a great day at work!
Is your 9-5 job getting you down? Feeling miserable on Monday mornings? Dreaming a little too frequently about your large office building burning down in a red-hot blaze? Maybe you aren’t meant to be working a conventional job. Here are 9 unmistakable signs that you belong at a startup.