Indian Startups Are Having A Field Day With Delhi’s OddEven Rule

While the unique initiative off OddEVen vehicles on Delhi roads has met with mixed reactions on the ground, and has become a butt of a gamut of social media jokes and commentary, operationally this has helped many urban commute startups and carpooling initiatives. In the midst of the OddEven Hoopla, Indian startups have found a way to leverage this buzz for some interesting marketing initiatives. Couple with some sense of humour, and a quick action, Zomato and Freecharge have both put an OddEven spin on their social media.

Grofers Shuts Down Operations In 9 Cities

Grocery delivery app Grofers’ ambitious expansion plans have hit a roadblock. After the company recently raised $120 million which saw its valuation rise threefold in less than a year, the company has decided to scale back its operations. It has shut down in operations in 9 Indian Tier 2 cities, including Ludhiana, Bhopal, Kochi, Coimbatore and Visakhapatnam.